To obtain the endorsement from CISTC, please contact the CISTC Vice-Chair for Conference and follow the instructions in IEEE ComSoc (Link). The application form has to be submitted directly to IEEE Comsoc.

Please keep the following points in mind if you intend to organize an IEEE event:

  1. Technical co-sponsorships must be requested for each event – there is no carryover approval from one year to the next.
  2. Applications should be submitted at least 6 months prior to the event – to allow sufficient time for our TC members to become involved in the TPC and for advertising the event.
  3. Rather than updating a previous (older) application form, an applicant should get the most recent application form.
  4. Use of our ComSoc logo/name with or without a “pending” qualifier is not allowed prior to approval.
  5. An applying event must be willing and able to publish their proceedings in Xplore.
  6. Each event we endorse agrees (via their signature on the application form) to:
    • provide their proceedings to Xplore immediately after the event,
    • provide ComSoc with a list of their attendee email addresses,
    • provide ComSoc with 2 proceedings CDs,
    • and to pay their invoice for processing fees if applicable.
    • Prior to sending an application to the CIS-TC officials for review, IEEE Comsoc checks to ensure those deliverables are in hand
  7. The CISTC decide whether or not to endorse an event asking for support.